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Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations ��

Monday, January 6, 2014

Little Cat..

Kata Ustaz Azhar Idrus..

Kadangkala Allah hantar kucing untuk menguji kita..
sama ada kita sayang atau tidak dengan rezeki Allah.
Kerana dia tidak minta ikan yang baru digoreng..
Dia tidak minta pinggan yang elok untuk dimakan..
Dia tak minta air untuk membasuh tangan..
Dia tak mintak tisu untuk lap mulut..
Dia hanya meminta sisa-sisa makanan kita yang tidak habis dimakan..

So jangan terlalu bakhil dengan sekalian makhluk-Nya.. :')

Wahai hatiku dengarlah..

Hello my hati ,
Dengar sini tuan mu ingin berbicara,
Kosongkan fikiran, lapangkan dada..
Jangan pandang lagi kebelakang dengan melihat keburukan yang lepas.
Lihat dihadapan dan cuba untuk menempuhinya..

Wahai hati,
Kini tahun baru, so kenalah semua nya baru!
Azam yang baru, niat yang baru..

Wahai hati,
Kau tanamkan dalam diri yang kau akan melakukannya!
Fikirkan tentang keluarga, masa depan..
Apa yang belum dicapai, apa yang belum dilaksanakan!
Harus! Perlu!
Kau kena tekad untuk menempuhinya..
Kerja, cari duit!
Kuatkan semangat! Jangan terlalu lemah & sensitif!
Kau kena redha setiap dugaan yang datang..
Yakin untuk melakukannya!
You can do it!
Apa pun kau harus bersiap sedia untuk semuanya..

Wahai hati,
Jangan risau.. Kau ada Allah akan sentiasa membantu..
Mungkin bukan sekarang, harini atau esok lusa..
Tapi pasti suatu hari nanti.. Yakin akannya..
Segala yang dilakukan harus ingat pada-Nya!
Must strong!

In Shaa Allah :')

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Coretan 1/1/2014

Kalau mampu bertahan DIAM ambillah hikmah DIAM,
Untuk memelihara persaudaraan,
Kerana dengan berdiam diri itupun sudah memperlihatkan
dirimu cukup tabah..

Orang yang mempunyai hati yang bersih & kuat
sentiasa tabah dengan dugaan yang dihadapinya.
Biarpun ditimpa musibah dia tidak pernah mengeluh.
Walaupun pada hakikatnya dia sedang menghadapi kesulitan,
dia tetap tenang.
Orang yang tenang sentiasa menang.

Noted to myself :)


A little girl walked to & from school daily. The weather one morning was questionable & clouds were forming, yet she made her daily trek to the elementary school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with thunder & lightning. The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her daughter would be frightened as she walked home from school & she feared that the electrical storm might harm her child. Following the roar of thunder, lightning, like a flaming sword, would cut through the sky.
Full of concern, the mother quickly got into her car & drove along the route to her she saw her little girl walking along, but at each flash of look up & smile. Another & another were to follow quickly & with each the little girl would look at the streak of light & smile.
When the mother's car drew up beside the child she lowered the window & called to her, "Why do you keep stopping?"
The child answered, "I am trying to look pretty. God keeps taking my picture."
May God bless you today as you face the storms that come to your way..

The Ultimate List

1. Get More Sleep
2. Drink More Water
3. Get More Exercise
4. Read More
5. Get More Organized
6. Clean More Often
7. Explore More
8. Relax More
9. Have More Patience
10. Forget Doing 'More'
11. Confident More
12. Move Forward

Just Try Your Best!


Life is too short to worry about stupid things.
Have fun.
Fall in love.
Regret nothing & don't let people bring you down..

Happy New Year 2014!

It's a new year.
It's time to start again.
Stop thinking about what you're going to do & start doing it.
It's time to live your life & be who you are.
Forget about whatever happened in 2013 & just move on.
Take risks & be yourself, you only have one life,
& it's time to make the most of it.
Make a new year's resolution & this time achieve it no matter what the cost is.

The End for Chapter 2013.
Page 365 of 365.

Bye 2013 , Most welcome 2014 :)