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Saturday, August 20, 2011

✿ Final exam

So this is the start of the exam season fer me !

Btw , now 3.24AM .
At 8.00am Masz perlu bangun untuk pergi ke kolej coz exam .
Exam bermula pada jam 10.30AM-12.30PM . Then continue to other paper at 1PM-3PM .
Goshhh hope everthing will be okay & Masz dpt jawab soalan dgn baek .
Nervous yaa amat . Btw , Masz baru je lepas study .
Just refresh2 aje . Tapi nak tumbuh akar jugak laa kat kepala otak neyh :(
Agak rushing jugak laaa na study tadi .
That's why I am 'uber revising' now & trying to get good grades this summer .

Haaa , then malam nanti jugak Masz akan pulang ke Ipoh :)

Ape2 pon , all the best to me fer tomorrow exam . Fuhhh..
Bermula dengan Bismillahirrahmanirahim..


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